Thursday, October 8, 2020

In recovery, "This too shall pass ..."; Esto pasara tambien...

 This too shall pass ...

Has helped me through some huge and small heartaches. Right now, someone I thought would always be friends with, no matter how many years have passed, has dist me. Well, we do change but that innate self is similar most our lives. The chouce is ours.


Esto también pasará ...

 Me ha ayudado a superar algunos dolores de cabeza grandes y pequeños.  En este momento, alguien de quien pensé que siempre sería amigo, no importa cuántos años hayan pasado, me ha molestado.  Bueno, cambiamos, pero ese yo innato es similar en la mayoría de nuestras vidas.  La elección es nuestra.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fundraising to help Case on Unlawful Arrest

Help Jason Case win his case and get back to his family!

For: Christopher Jason Case

United States


Organizer: Julia Morrison

Help Jason Case win his case and get back to his family! (Christopher Jason Case)

$4,000 goal

0% Complete

Super Quick on Your Phone

Every Share Can Raise $37


The Story

Help Christopher "Jason" Case win his case and get back to his family!

We are raising money for a lawyer for Jason who is currently residing in the Virginia Department of Corrections in Independence, VA.  Jason has worked hard to get his case appealed.  He has researched in legal libraries, contacted attorneys, and pulled all his paperwork together while incarcerated (with a little help from outside friends and family).  Will he win the case?  It is hard to say. It depends on if he gets a judge that is willing to listen to all of the evidence.  We don't know.  But the lawyer said he can at least get his sentence down to guidelines, which is 6 years instead of the 21 years he was sentenced to.

Now we need to get the attorney paid for.  His family has come up with half of the fee, but we still need $4000.00.  Anything you can donate is helpful.  Just $1.00-$5.00 from each person will help us reach our goal.

To view some of the supporting documentation, please visit Facebook page "Justice 4 Case Unlawful Arrest" or 

You can also see a detailed account of what happened at

Fundraiser Updates (0)

Friday, July 22, 2016 Shares information pertaining to Case situation - need donations to make unjust, just again shares information pertaining to ‘Justice 4 Case’ situation

Do agents have to look or dress in a certain way?

As representatives of the FBI around the world, agents are expected to dress and act professionally. This does not mean that all agents have to wear the stereotypical dark suit with a white, starched shirt. Agents perform many different roles that require different kinds of attire. For example, agents on evidence response teams often wear cargo pants or jeans when digging through debris for clues, and agents making arrests wear FBI raid jackets and other gear that clearly identify them…

Does the FBI mail hard copies of wanted posters on fugitives to private citizens?

No. The distribution of FBI fugitive material is limited to authorized law enforcement and government agencies and to legitimate media and public entities where a direct law enforcement purpose is served.

Do FBI agents work with state, local, or other law enforcement officers on “task forces”?

Absolutely, and we consider it central to our success today. Task forces have proven to be a highly effective way for the FBI and federal, state, and local law enforcement to join together to address specific crime problems and national security threats. In law enforcement, “concurrent jurisdiction” may exist, where a crime may be a local, state, and federal violation all at the same time. Task forces typically focus on terrorism, organized crime, narcotics, gangs, bank robberies, kidnapping, and motor…

How does the FBI protect the civil rights of people in the United States?

The FBI investigates violations of federal civil rights statutes and supports the investigations of state and local authorities in certain cases. Federal civil rights violations fall into several categories: hate crimes motivated by bias against such characteristics as race, religion, national origin, and sexual orientation; color of law crimes involving law enforcement and related criminal justice professionals’ misuse of their right to discretion, such as use of excessive force or police misconduct; involuntary servitude or slavery; violations of the Voting…

Does the FBI investigate graft and corruption in local government and in state and local police departments?

Yes. The FBI uses applicable federal laws, including the Hobbs Act, to investigate violations by public officials in federal, state, and local governments. A public official is any person elected, appointed, employed, or otherwise having a duty to maintain honest and faithful public service. Most violations occur when the official solicits, accepts, receives, or agrees to receive something of value in return for influence in the performance of an official act. The categories of public corruption investigated by the FBI…

Reference:  Digitally obtained on July 22, 2016 from

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Affirm your own right - Afirmar su propio derecho

Do your thing as long as it does not cause problems or chaos for others.
Do no harm is the best policy. It is the one across the boards of religions.
Love your God with all your heart, mind, and soul; and as yourself. But
please don't forget to love yourself so you can truly love those even if
you don't like what they do. Love is the answer to it all.

Make your own Affirmations.
Hacer la cosa como no causa problemas o caos para otros.
Hacer ningún daño es la mejor política. Es que a través de las juntas de las religiones.
Amar a tu Dios con todo tu corazón, mente y alma; y como a ti mismo. Pero no olvide por favor quiérete por lo que se pueden verdaderamente amar a aquellos incluso si no te gusta lo que hacen. El amor es la respuesta a todo.

Hacer sus propias afirmaciones.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Justice 4 Case - Unlawful Arrest

“Unlawful arrest leads to wrongful conviction”

            Before you read what’s below let me give you a little introduction and food for thought…

What if you were outside talking amongst friends or coming out of a super market and you’re approached by a man from behind claiming to be a police officer, he has no ID, no badge, no hand cuffs and no radio, he doesn’t call you by your name but proceeds to tell you that he has warrants for your arrest and that he is off duty but has police staged up the road and needs you to keep the noise down so not to disturb anyone and to come with him, at that very moment he takes both his hands and grabs your arm and jerks you to him saying you know you’re under arrest, don’t resist! What would you do?

My name is Christopher J. Case. April 1, 2012 I was outside my residence, speaking with my employer, when a man walked up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder and said “do you remember me?” I then said “No. I don’t know who the hell you are! “and turned back around, he then tapped me again and said, “I’m Detective Wade from the Hopewell Police Department can I talk to you over here for a minute?”

I saw he was jeans and a Dallas Cowboys’ t-shirt with no badge, no hand cuffs and no radio, so I said yeah. We get to the back of my employer’s truck and he never calls me by my name but tells me he has warrants for my arrest and I said I have warrants? He said yes their not that serious you “probably” just missed a court date or something that I needed to keep everything low profile; so not to disturb the neighbors and he would take care of this. I then said do you have a badge or something and he said no I’m off-duty but I do have police staged up the road and out of site and at that very moment he takes both his hands and grabs my right arm and jerks me to him saying “you know your under arrest, don’t resist!” He is now jerking and dragging me to the main road as I fight to get free from his hold we reach the top of the road where there are no police staged as a last resort I grab my clip on pocket knife and struggle to open it. I then poked at him several times he finally let go.  I ran about 10 yards and stopped to turn around so I could see where my assailant was and to my surprise he was standing where I left him, as we made eye contact  and still no police in site, you know the ones he allegedly had staged! Well he darts back at me and tackles me to the ground and we continue to wrestle around minutes later a single police officer shows up gets out of his car draws his gun instructs us to ‘freeze’ it was then I would find out Wade was an actual off duty police officer as they tortured me ‘til other police showed up to cuff me.

I was charged with Resisting Arrest, Attempted Capital Murder of a Law Enforcement Officer, Malicious Wounding of a Law Enforcement Officer and Obstruction of Justice in the Commission of a violent felony. Oh and get this the alleged misdemeanor charge that I was on some top 10 most wanted poster for that all this was over was a trespassing charge that not only carried a $100 fine and 30 days in jail but get this 3 months prior to this incident the charge had to be dropped because the arresting officer got caught and fired for exposing his self to ids on a school playground.

So, I’m a 41-year-old man serving a 31-year prison sentence because a off-duty officer made bad choice to make an arrest with no id, no badge, no cuffs and no radio oh and he also didn’t frisk me down.  There is so much more to this story. If there is anyone out there that can find it in their heart to donate money to a great legal cause please help me reverse this nightmare and get the justice I deserve lawyers don’t be shy to include your insight on this matter.

Thank you for all your time reading this and for whatever contribution you may contribute to this much needed struggle for justice.

            For more detailed information, call my Father Donald Case at 804-539-2847 C or 804-530-3686 H.

            I may be reached at Christopher Case #1120787, River North Correctional Center, 329 Dell Brook Lane,               Independence, VA 24348

            You may also contact my Assistant ReGina Mason,, use subject:                            ‘C. Case’. Or call her at 434-219-9034.

P.S.      The officer went back to work the next day with minor injuries!!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The heart knows

The heart knows....

Eventually the heart will answer the struggle the mind is in your inner self.