Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fundraising to help Case on Unlawful Arrest

Help Jason Case win his case and get back to his family!

For: Christopher Jason Case

United States


Organizer: Julia Morrison

Help Jason Case win his case and get back to his family! (Christopher Jason Case)

$4,000 goal

0% Complete

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Every Share Can Raise $37


The Story

Help Christopher "Jason" Case win his case and get back to his family!

We are raising money for a lawyer for Jason who is currently residing in the Virginia Department of Corrections in Independence, VA.  Jason has worked hard to get his case appealed.  He has researched in legal libraries, contacted attorneys, and pulled all his paperwork together while incarcerated (with a little help from outside friends and family).  Will he win the case?  It is hard to say. It depends on if he gets a judge that is willing to listen to all of the evidence.  We don't know.  But the lawyer said he can at least get his sentence down to guidelines, which is 6 years instead of the 21 years he was sentenced to.

Now we need to get the attorney paid for.  His family has come up with half of the fee, but we still need $4000.00.  Anything you can donate is helpful.  Just $1.00-$5.00 from each person will help us reach our goal.

To view some of the supporting documentation, please visit Facebook page "Justice 4 Case Unlawful Arrest" or 

You can also see a detailed account of what happened at

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