OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) is normally thought of as extremely neat and clean, renumeration, obsessive cleaning - counting-straightening-organizing.
Hoarding is normally defined as dysfunctional and nasty. Not just messy and disorganized but nasty house keeping. The sufferer does not want to throw out trash or anything non-functional.
Messy people may have some other medical, instead of just mental things, bothering. Mainly fibromyalgia is the medical diagnosis of those that are no longer motivated to finish the cleaning project once you get started. The pain is unbearable. To surround yourself around people who blame you for bad relationships because a part of your house is in shambles; well, maybe just another filter that type of person does not need to be in your life. Just to stop talking to you after they get what they want from you is the immaturity on their part.
Appreciating the words of truth that the house is messy does make you look at 'what is my part in this to change', ' am I really a hoarder', 'or do I just have a mess right now'? Well, doing an insightful inventory of my character, goals, plans, and actions to keep me out of the diagnosis of being a true hoarder. ... I looked up credible psychological tests and I don't fall into the hoarder category.
So, why don't I feel better? Well, my winter vaccinations and fibromyalgia and some real emotional recent stressors all piled on me I say - "Who are you to judge me and treat me like I'm nothing because I don't keep house like you do?" Digital networks are wonderful because unfriend, delete and blocking are so comforting. Once I don't see the name of the person that I would love to please but they change at the drop of a hat....well, they can stay on their side of the river.
I suffered with OCD even as a child. All the way up until my last back injury my living spaces were neat, straight, spotless, and if you moved anything it irritated me until I moved it back into place. After my last injury, I fought to stay at home on my own. Could not put my own under pants on had to where slip on dresses and shoes but I recuperated to where I am now raising a child and dealing with a sick husband.....my true friends just jumped right in and helped me pack, take away to donation, consignment shops, and took some of the things that were help cluttering our space. Not packing when we moved from the old house to newest place only added to the problem.
So, next move two large boxes for each room is the limit. Can be smaller. Going minimalist....want to fit into a tiny house that are more and more popular now a days. Plus, will get me to the next step of reaching my goal of starting my own rehab retreat camp.
Research OCD, Hoarding, and fibromyalgia........and tell the truth but compassion is important if you care at all.......
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